Wednesday, March 23, 2005

ACLU- Protecting terrorists from the evil evil American scum.

From Moonbat Central-

            A New anti-Terror SDS

Those of us old enough to have prostate problems surely remember the old anti-American extremist group from the 60s calling itself the "SDS = Students for a Democratic Society." That SDS wanted democracy of the sort to be found in the Democratic Republic of East Germany.

Anyway, now there is a new SDS worth noting, the Suspect Detection Systems. It is an Israeli high-tech startup that just signed a contract with US Transportation Security Administration, which is responsible for airport security. SDS produces a portable polygraph that can detect terrorists even when they are not carrying anything made of metal. A demonstration project is being implemented at a
New Jersey airport. Passengers place their hands on a detector and tell a truth or a fib.

We expect the ACLU and other graduates of the OLD SDS to be up in arms at this infringement of the constitutional right to lie. Heck, who knows where use of the device could lead - maybe even to racial profiling!

SDS employs 12 people in a town outside Tel Aviv.


You know, as illogical as it is, I’m sure they’re right- the Anti-Christian Lawyers Union will be up in arms about this.

“Oh Noes! They might inconvenience people that aren’t terrorists! Who cares about actually catching dangerous people, random people might be unhappy! And, on top of that, our ‘friends’ might not succeed in destroying the capitalist pigdo... er... uh... That’s off the record!!!”



"For every complicated problem, there's a simple, easy to understand, wrong answer."- Grossman's Law


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