Thursday, September 22, 2005


Grace Hill media rocks.
They (with are issuing press passes to early screenings of Serenity to bloggers.
Now I have to make myself an In the Interest of Me Citizen Journalist badge. I mean, I don't need one, but it'll be cool.

Expect a big 'ol post on 9/28 or 29, depending on how late it is before I get home.
That, and how much I remember (for quotes- I'll remember the whole darn thing, just not word-for-word), since the letter specifically states that I cannot bring "Any kind of recording device or camera phone."
Actually... I bet a notepad doesn't count.
(Of course, going as a journalist means I simply MUST see it a second, third, fortieth time- after all, I'm going to be spending half the time writing about it and critiquing it [although if it's ANYTHING like the TV show... the critique will be along the lines of "I wish I was a chick so I could say 'JOSS WHEADON I WANT YOUR CHILD!'" so yeah. Critique meaning... compliment a lot.] Yay!)
Well, I'm off to watch the second (new!) Serenity Trailer again. (It should be the Second link on my blogroll to the right (Ranked one, but alphabetical[sigh]); I'll link it here, too.


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