What the HELL is the ACLU?
You know, I used to think that the ACLU was just bipolar.
But I think I finally figured it out-
As bizarre and oxymoron-ish as it sounds, they’re Liberal Libertarians.
Yup. That pretty much sums it up. I think. Kinda.
“Use the government to get the government out of people’s hair. Make everything (except religion... OK, everything but Judeo-Christian religions...) legal and let the free markets sort it out. Unless classical/neo-/moderate conservatives are [insert thing the case is about here]. In which case, screw them. Screw them with a vengeance.”
OK, so maybe they’re still a LITTLE nutty.
BUT; the original point behind this was,
I agree with Instapundit- The ACLU, while they may seem and act like black hearted, satan- worshipping, evil sons of bitches, aren’t ALL bad. They do some good work every once in a while. I mean, kinda like... hrm. World destroying comets? Yeah, they kill billions of billions of billions, but hey, they bring in the building blocks of life and/or make it so that lower-end (but ultimately higher-promise) creatures have a chance. Yeah. That’s it.
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