Sunday, February 26, 2006

Los Angeles Times: "Mormons blow"

Did you see the Times article, "Bedrock of a Faith is Jolted?"
In it, they rehash an old, tired argument against the LDS faith, all while providing... hmm... let's double check here... yeah, NO LDS perspective.
Well, I take that back. They fake LDS perspective- the opinions and beleifs they claim "Mormons" hold are incorrect at best, but mostly just blatant lies.
According to the Book of Mormon, by 385 AD the dark-skinned Lamanites had wiped out other Hebrews. The Mormon church called the victors "the principal ancestors of the American Indians." If the Lamanites returned to the church, their skin could once again become white.

I'd LOVE to meet the "Expert" they got that one from...


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